50 years of Green Party success: Celebrating a legacy of change

Co-founder of the Green Party, Michael Benfield, attended a celebration hosted by the West Midlands Green Party as it marked the 50th milestone anniversary with a powerful and inspiring gathering in Coventry.

West Midlands Conference Michael Benfield
West Midlands Conference Michael Benfield

Image credit: Anne Patterson (Chair, Coventry Green Party)

Left to right: Cllr Esther Reeves, founders Freda and Michael Benfield, with Cllr Stephen Gray taken at the Methodist Central Hall in Coventry.

Michael Benfield

Two Saturdays ago, the West Midlands Green Party commemorated its remarkable 50-year journey at a celebratory meeting held in the heart of Coventry. The event was an extraordinary occasion for all attendees, including myself and my wife, Freda. As two of the original co-founders who had witnessed the party's transformation into an international political movement, we were deeply moved by the occasion.

With great enthusiasm and heartfelt sentiment, the meeting focused on recognizing the outstanding achievements of both individuals and groups over the past 12 months. It served as a testament to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of the Green Party's members, supporters, and volunteers.

The awards ceremony, presented by the esteemed Lady Nathalie Bennet, added an extra touch of prestige to the event. Lady Bennet, a prominent member of the party and a distinguished member of the House of Lords, took the opportunity to share her invaluable insights and experiences with the gathering. With multiple informative anecdotes, she regaled the members with her impactful work in the upper chamber of Parliament, championing the Green Party's principles and advocating for sustainable policies.

Midway through the morning, as the awards ceremony concluded, the officials paused to acknowledge the presence of my wife and me. Recognising our long-standing commitment to the Party, they persuaded me to share a few words with the gathering. In my brief address, I took the opportunity to reflect on the Party's origins and the arduous journey it has traversed.

I recounted the humble beginnings of our political movement, emphasising how it found its legal legitimacy through the diligent research and efforts of our solicitor and co-founder, Lesley Whittaker. Lesley's determination and thorough investigation revealed that, at the time, all it took to become a political party was to claim it to be so – and so we did just that, launching its first public meeting a couple of hundred yards up the road in Broadgate. It was a testament to the spirit of grassroots activism and the pioneering nature of our early members.

Notably, the meeting also celebrated the Green Party's return to its original structured approach to electioneering – now promulgated as ‘The West Midlands Mode’ – which has played a pivotal role in its current success. This renewed focus on effective campaigning strategies has been widely recognized as a significant factor behind the party's recent achievements. By embracing this structured approach, the West Midlands Green Party has further solidified its position as a force to be reckoned with in the political landscape.

Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's timeless exhortation to ‘Become the Change you want to create’, I expressed my profound humility at the warm wishes and heartfelt plaudits that Freda and I received from fellow party members. Their unwavering support over the years had been instrumental in the Green Party's success and growth.

I also expressed deep gratitude to every member of the West Midlands Green Party for their relentless efforts and unwavering commitment to the cause over the past 50 years. Their passion and determination had been the driving force behind our movement's transformative impact on society, both locally and globally.

As the meeting approached its conclusion, I urged everyone present to forge ahead with renewed vigour and determination. With upcoming elections on the horizon, I reminded them that ‘nothing succeeds like success’. The progress achieved by the Green Party over the past five decades stood as a testament to our collective ability to effect meaningful change. I encouraged them to embrace this legacy and channel their energy into ensuring a greener and more sustainable future for all.

The 50th celebratory meeting of the West Midlands Green Party in Coventry will undoubtedly be remembered as a powerful and stimulating occasion. It not only honoured the rich history of the party but also ignited a renewed sense of purpose and determination among all attendees.

As we stood together, embracing our shared achievements, it became evident that the Green Party's impact has transcended borders and shaped the course of global politics. The West Midlands Green Party's legacy of change continues to inspire countless individuals and communities, beckoning them to become active participants in shaping a better world.

May this milestone anniversary be a catalyst for even greater achievements in the years to come. Together, let us march forward, fuelled by the spirit of change and a steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability, social justice, and a brighter future for all.

Please sign the petition for a plaque to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Green Party in Coventry. See here.

Notes on co-founders – early years:

Prof. Dr K Michael Benfield headed organisation, promotion and campaigns. 

Psychologist & Chartered Secretary Freda Benfield (nee Sanders) was accountant and treasurer.

Solicitor Lesley Whittaker was the party Secretary and legal advisor.

Solicitor Tony Whittaker (deceased) was the party Chair.

They worked collectively on early policies, manifestos, meetings around the UK and official spokespersons.